

Entrepreneurial Development Cell (ED Cell) was established in the year 2012 at Dharmamurthi Rao Bahadur Calavala Cunnan Chetty’s Hindu College. The aim of ED Cell is to develop and make stronger entrepreneurial qualities in building professionals who are interested in starting their own business. The College provides infrastructure and support to the students having innovative ideas to transform into new products and services for the betterment of the society. The ED Cell members also assist all the aspirants with mentoring, planning and effecting of their start up idea into a real business.

The seed of ED Cell was sowed by our Principal Dr. (Smt.) V. Lakshmi, 15 years ago by introducing KVIC (Khadi and Village Industries Commission) into our college, through Training programmes on Bakery Products making, Beautician lane, Jute Bags Making, Embroidery making, etc. ED Cell also provides free Training on Skill Development for destitute women entrusting entrepreneurial skills and motivates them to become a young entrepreneur.


  • Break the allegory that entrepreneurship is what others do.
  • Enable students start and manage their own small business units.
  • To pioneer the culture of Entrepreneurship in College.
  • The three STAGE approach

STAGE 1 – The Ideation Stag

The ED freshers from KVIC conduct orientation programme from ED members.


The ED freshers from KVIC conduct orientation programme from ED members.


Training and Marketing.

Convenor -

Dr. S.Sivapriya,M.Com.,B.Ed., M.Phil.,NET.,Ph.D.

Committee Members

Mrs. L.Thara M.Com., M.Phil.,

Mr. B.Vinayagam M.A.,NET.

Mrs.C.Karpagavalli, M.Sc.,M.Phil.,SET.

Ms. W. Delicia, M.Sc., NET.,

Dr. S. Kalpana, M.A., M.Phil.,SET., Ph.D

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Event Name Chief Guest Photo
Investiture Ceremony on 28.10.2021 Dr.G.Kalvikkarasi, Principal, DRBCCC Hindu College
Dr. N.Rajendra Naidu, Direcor, DRBCCC Hindu College.
One Day Student Workshop on Skill Development for Budding Entrepreneurs on 28.10.2021 V.R. Muthu, CEO, Idhayam Oil
The Students was frame 10 questions to interact with the Chief guest. He answered the questions and expresses the business ideas.
ED Boutique Inauguration. Date :11.03.2022
Dr.G.Kalvikkarasi, Principal, DRBCCC Hindu College
Dr.N.Rajendra Naidu, Director, DRBCCC Hindu College.
Inaugurate our ED Boutique in ED Sales Counter.
The Various departments’ students are participated in the ED Sales Counter. The students are displaying the different varieties of food items in the ED Sales Counter for sales. Each department engaged 3 days with 5 students.

5 days Skill Development Programme – AARI Work
First batch : 21.03.2022 to 25.03.2022
Second batch : 04.04.2022 to 08.04.2022.
Mr.M.Prabhakaran, Assistant Director –II, KVIC , Madhavaram. ED Cell association with KVIC conducted by 5 days AARI Work Classes Programme. 59 students are trained and got the KVIC certificate. All the students are learnt sincerely and practice. We have conducted two batches, the First batch started from 21.03.2022 to 25.03.2022 and second batch started from 04.04.2022 to 08.04.2022.

Inauguration on World Entrepreneurs Day 21/08/2022 Dr.G.Kalvikkarasi, Principal, DRBCCC Hindu College
Dr.N.Rajendra Naidu, Director, DRBCCC Hindu College.
The Ed Cell started the ED SALES COUNTER in our college premises for this Academic year 2022-23 on 21st August ,2022 in lieu of the WORLD ENTREPRENEUR DAY.
Through this sales counter Students from all the Departments are given a chance to exhibit their Entrepreneurial skills by placing for 3 days like Food stalls, mobile Accessories, stationeries, Beauty products, fancy Jewelry, etc. This paves them and start towards their business journey inside the campus.
Investiture Ceremony of ED CELL 07/10/22 Dr.G.Kalvikkarasi, Principal, DRBCCC Hindu College
Dr.N.Rajendra Naidu, Director, DRBCCC Hindu College.

The Investiture Ceremony of ED CELL was conducted on 7/10/22. Mr.Sunder Guruswamy, Founder and Managing Director of GINGER BREAD, -popular Chain bakery was the chief guest of the programme. Students from different Departments who have an urge to become Entrepreneurs were given responsibilities as Office bearers. The chief guest encouraged the students to take up business in future and he also encouraged the students on the advantages of becoming an Employer rather than an Employee.
Mahatma Gandhi National Council for Rural Education(MGNCRE), observed National Entrepreneurship Day by conducting ' Rural Entrepreneurship Competitions for Youth Date: 11/11/2022
On Nov.11th 2022, The Edcell in collaboration with Mahatma Gandhi National Council for Rural Education(MGNCRE), observed National Entrepreneurship Day by conducting ' Rural Entrepreneurship Competitions for Youth '. All the students of our college were encouraged to place stalls in our college premises on products such as * Handmade Jewelry * Paper products * Jute Products * Candles * Traditional sweets The main objective of this programme is to encourage traditional and Rural Entrepreneurship methods and to make Profit from them. 7 stalls were placed and winners were selected through judges and a public voting system. All the Participants received Certificates from the Ministry of Education, Govt.of India.
Intellectual Property rights(IPR), India collaboration with IQAC and ED Cell organises Workshop on Current issues in IPR in India on 19.12.2022.
IQAC and ED Cell Collaboration with Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) organises a one day Workshop on Current issues in IPR in India. Chief Guest: Sri.A.Lakshminarayanan, Examiner of Patents & designs, IPR, India. The staff members participated in the workshop and learnt about the patents and designs. The Resource person shared his experience and how to prepare the patents and designs.
5 Day Skill Development Programmme - AARI Work 23.01.2023 to 28.01.2023 Mr.M.Prabhakaran, Assistant Director –II, KVIC , Madhavaram. ED Cell association with KVIC conducted by 5 -day AARI Work Classes Programme. 21 students are trained and got the KVIC certificate. All the students are learning sincerely.
ED Expo - 2023 The Entrepreneurial Development(ED) Cell of DRBCCC Hindu College collaborated with Institution Innovation Council(IIC) was organized ED EXPO 2023 on 20.02.2023 to our students to give and share new ideas in terms of business and to become as new entrepreneur for their career.
The ED Cell conducted various competitions like Business Collage, Logo Designing and Business Stall Exhibition for various department students of our college. There are 17 participants are participated in business collage and Logo Designing.
Inauguration on World entrepreneurs day on 21/08/2023 The ED-Cell was commemorates World Entrepreneur’s Day’ on 21st August 2023 at 10.30 am near ED-Cell counter with the presence of Dr. G. Kalvikkarasi, Principal and Dr. N. Rajendra Naidu, Director of this esteemed institution.
Millet - Fest on 30/08/23 Chief Guest Mr. K. Mugundan Vice president of Operations Allymart Business Process Operations On 30th August 2023 the ED- Cell organized Millet-Fest; several teams across the departments participated and prizes were distributed for the winners.
Skill Development Programme Aari Workshop (5 days) 12/02/2024 - 16/02/24 Chief Guest Shri. M. Kannah Executive (Training Capacity Building) KVIC. The ED-Cell organized 5 days Aari work Certificate classes by KVIC from 12th february 2024 to 16th february 2024 in Cunnan Mini Conference Hall with 52 students with 2 batches from several departments. The valedictory ceremony was conducted at the end of the day at 3.00 p.m with silent prayer. Welcome address given by Prof. P. Vinodhini, Convener of ED-Cell, followed by Principal Madam and Director Sir.
ED-EXPO 24/02/2024 Chief Guest Dr. M. Jawaharlal Nehru Associate Professor & Head, Department of Commerce, Dharmamurthi Rao Bahadur Calavala Cunnan Chetty’s Hindu College (Shift 1). The ED-Cell has organized ED-EXPO on 24/02/2024 in the college campus. The students from various departments have been actively participated and they displayed different products. Totally 40 stalls were participated in this Expo. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. M. Jawaharlal Nehru, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Commerce (Shift-1) at 10.30 am. Dr. T. Rubini, Associate Professor of Corporate Secretaryship and Dr. S. Kannadasan, Associate Professor of Tamil were judged the competition and announced the prizes.• The valedictory ceremony was held in the same day at 3.30 pm in RJB Seminar hall. The programme started with invocation. Welcome address given by Prof. P. Vinodhini, Convenor, ED-Cell, followed by Director Sir delivered Special address and Chief Guest delivered the keynote address. Prizes were distributed by the Chief Guest for the winners, participated in various competitions conducted by ED- Cell regarding ED-EXPO. The programme ended with National Anthem.