
Curriculum Feedback from Teachers

1.Syllabus is suitable to the course

2.Syllabus is need based

3.Aims and objectives of the syllabus are well defined and clear

4.Course content is followed by corresponding reference materials

5.Sufficient number of prescribed books are available in the library

6.The course/syllabus has good balance between theory and applications

7.The course/syllabus has made me interested in the subject area and contents

8.The course/syllabus of this subject increased my knowledge and perspective in the subject area and contents

9.The course/programme of studies carries sufficient number of optional papers

10.The books prescribed/listed as reference materials are relevent, updated and appropriate level

11.Tests and Examinations are conducted well in time with proper coverage of all units in the syllabus

12.I have a freedom to propose, modify, suggest and incorporate new topics in the syllabus

13.I have the freedom to adopt new techniques/strategies of teaching such as seminar presentations, group discussions and learner's participations.

14.I have the freedom to adopt new techniques/strategies of testing and assesment of students.

15.I am able to achieve the minimun required course outcome attainment level for my class

16.I have taken sufficient steps to provide assistance to slow learners and advanced learners

17.I have contributed to the curriculum and/or syllabus developement