
Director's Message

Greetings to All,

DRBCCC Hindu College plays a pivotal role in providing quality education to the deserving candidates who hail from the rural and semi-urban areas of Pattabiram and surroundings. The campus serves as an excellent academic pit-stop for the young and eager minds who imbibe values, hone their life skills, and move out of the campus establish themselves in this world as socially responsible citizens. The dream and vision of our founder couple Dharmamurthi Calavala Cunnan Chetty garu and his beloved wife Seethama Garu propels the management, staff and the student community to scale greater heights.

At DRBCCC Hindu college, we believe in the word - Beyond - Education for us is not just about the textbooks and the classroom instruction. We,as mentor of our students to discover their true potential. We provide them various academic platforms where they can sharpen their creative and critical thinking skills. The culture of reading newspapers every day is an integral part of the campus life at DRBCCC Hindu college. Newspaper based discussions happen every day in the classroom and quizzes are conducted to gauge the level of understanding of the student community. We don't create one dimensional,but three-dimensional human beings who are fully alive to the real issues and ideas that matter.

2019-2020 is an extraordinary occasion for everyone at DRBCCC Hindu College as we celebrate the 150-year celebrations of our Founder. We are always indebted to this Man who relentlessly worked to establish this learning space for posterity. Just like the huge and grand Banyan tree that grows in our sylvan campus, the spirit of our founder is deeply rooted in all of us to make DRBCCC Hindu College a place for learning and growing.