
Management Welfare Programmes

Nutritious food for poor students

Cash award for university rank holders

Certificates & prizes to academic, centum holders & participants in various programme

Breakfast & sports kit for outstanding players

Delegate fee to staff to participate in conferences and present papers

Silver coins to all teaching and non-teaching members (annually)

Medical and educational expenditure

Performance based incentive to teaching & non-teaching staff

Flood relief for teaching & non-teaching staff (2015)

Snacks and tea provided to teaching & non-teaching staff member on all working days

Three months maternity leave salary to women teaching & non-teaching staff members

Contribution to teaching & non-teaching staff gratuity

Coverage of medical insurance to teaching & non-teaching staff members

Honouring retiring teaching & non-teaching staff members

Contribution to conduct certain Government sponsored programmes

Meeting transport charges for students industrial visits

Casual leave encashment for both teaching and non-teaching staff

Contribution to ESI for both teaching and non-teaching staff

Management Welfare Programmes

Yoga and Meditation Classes are conducted for ensuring the physical, mental and spiritual health of the students.

First year students are given a warm welcome by their seniors and farewell to final year students by first and second year students.

Paavai vizha during Maargazhi month and Pongal, Vinayaka Chathurthi, Ayudha Pooja, etc. are celebrated, invoking the blessings of God.

Blood donation and medical check-up camps.

Community service programmes