
Secretary's Message

Greetings to All,

DRBCCC Hindu college makes a potential engagement with holistic education, nurturing academic, cultural, national, and spiritual values in the young minds. The college is committed to provide quality education with well-defined objectives, ever expanding choices, multidimensional approaches conforming to the lofty ideals of the founder. In pursuit of excellence, education must be liberating, creative and meaningful to the society at large. Hence the establishment offers diverse and inclusive learning atmosphere, mentors who provide strategic academic directions, provide abundant resources and maintain value systems to transform the lives of the younger generation.

The management and the staff of DRBCCC Hindu college are at the threshold of celebrating the 150th year of the founder and it is a momentous occasion in the annals of our college. In this historic juncture we reaffirm the mission and vision of our founder who believed in the adage 'Service to Humanity is service to God'. Everyone at DRBCCC Hindu college is committed to make this meaningful one-liner a reality through their philanthropic based approach towards education. Every single academic success story scripted in the campus is dedicated to the guiding light of our founder and his luminous legacy will continue for years to come.