
Principal's Message

Greetings to All

Dharmamurthi Rao Bahadur Calavala Cunnan Chetty"s Hindu College was founded in 1969, the birth centenary of the born-to-serve man Calavala Cunnan Chetty Garu. The seer, benefactor and philanthropist strongly believed that education is the premise of progress in every society. To fructify his vision and dream, the college was founded at Pattabiram to impart collegiate education to the people in the outskirts of Chennai.

The college was created as a humanist mission to offer higher educational opportunities for the students of the semi-urban district of Thiruvallur. The fair and inclusive education provided to the diverse population ensures equity and consistent upgradation of quality education. The significant aim of the institution is to maintain the organization's high culture which is augmented by the collective efforts of the stake holders. The institution's strategies are deployed towards the physical, intellectual, social and moral wellbeing of the students.